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ITHRIVE Services for Companies



Our Solution for Physicians

Rewards Programs

Set Goals and Motivate Change

Wellness Solutions

Improved Health = Improved R.O.I..

Health Coaching

Guided Support

Employee participation is a key factor to an effective wellness program, and at ITHRIVE Health we understand that meaningful incentives encourage both participation and behavior change. Using proven research and methodology, we work with our clients to explore all available incentive options and choose a model that best suits your culture.
Historically, wellness programs have only rewarded participation. The new approach is to combine carrot and stick approaches to drive accountability and progress. The best part is the majority of employees agree with this method. The use of incentives has shown to drive 40% higher levels of participation, particularly among the at-risk population, and we’ve found that incentives tied to an individuals ITHRIVE Health Risk Assessment score promotes personal accountability that results in improved health and reduced health care costs.

ITHRIVE Health has the flexibility to work with almost any incentive model and structure programs to guarantee HIPAA compliance. Incentives that we have found effective include:

Health plan design and premium differentials tied to a participant’s Health Score.

Point or reward system based on participation and engagement levels.

Community/colleague challenges via the personalized ITHRIVE Health web portal.


General Overview of Our Services

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